Thursday, October 31, 2019

Patents provide competitive advantage for Kodak Essay

Patents provide competitive advantage for Kodak - Essay Example Therefore, these companies are given a chance to create a form of temporary monopoly on their products, and through this way, they are able to make profits. In addition, they are able to encourage innovators in the company to develop more products. Once a company infringes Kodak’s patents is liable to be charged in a court of law, and through this way Kodak can receive settlement money. For example, there were cases where Kodak had sued Samsung and LG, and they compensated them $550 and $400 million respectively. Moreover, the company acquires negotiated licensing deals concerning the patents. On the other hand, the company able to reduce chances of other companies infringing their patents and this can facilitate full utilization of their patents. In fact, due to the high amounts of money charged in courts for settlement, this can be a source of discouragement for other companies to infringe the Kodak’s patents. Therefore, the company operates in a market without competition that can affect their pricing strategy, which can lead to low income. In fact, a company like Kodak is willing to go to the extent of suing companies that infringe the patents in order to protect the favorable business environment provided by these patents. After the patent has expired, any company is given the freedom to copy the technology; thus, Kodak maximizes their profit out of the patents before they expire. However, in order to achieve this, ensures that the patent is generating substantial money as a source of intellectual property income. Therefore, Kodak is able generate a lot of income from the intellectual property by establishing a large catalogue and ensuring that their shares do not fall. Moreover, increasing the catalogue and using substantial marketing strategies they are able to make high volumes of sales that can generate high profit margins. The patents offer a form of temporary monopoly for the company; thus,

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Epistomology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Epistomology - Essay Example Notably, there are .numerous argument on the existence and non-existence of God and such arguments are categorized into logical, metaphysical, empirical, and subjective. Philosophers and the philosophy of popular culture and regions have since had lively debate on the existence of God (The Christian's God Does Not Exist†¦ 114). Therefore, from the same philosophies and understandings, this essay considers that it is equally logical to believe that God may or may not God. Despite the openness on the argument that God may or may not exist does never qualify these same arguments to have the same magnitude. In other words, a lack of positive belief is not the same thing as the presence of a negative belief. While it is perfectly fine not to believe either way, I believe it is hypocritical to assert that God does not exist. This notion will make the believer’s argument invalid for lack of sufficient evidence; however, there is also insufficient evidence for God’s nonexi stence either. Both beliefs (existence and nonexistence) are of equal logical grounds and are valid depending on the weight of the argument/contribution. For instance, the believers usually note that if God never existed, then life could have been meaningless ultimately. In other words, if life was doomed until death, then it could have not mattered how an individual lives his or her life. This theory is actually supported by nature and natural existence. Therefore, to this limit God exists. Despite this argument, there is no physical evidence that God does or does not exist. Beliefs that are based on false assumptions are still logically valid following the assumption (If P>Q; therefore, the statement P>Q is still true.) Since there is no physical evidence for either argument, it is impossible to determine the truth-value of P; therefore, both arguments are logically valid following the initial assumptions they claim. I believe that, in fact, it is truly impossible to prove with 10 0% that any initial assumption is true. Even physical evidence of widely accepted notions, for example, is detected through imperfect human sensory organs. â€Å"I see that the chair is blue> the chair is blue† is 1. Valid and is 2 (Treharne 389). The assumption that your eyes are trustworthy is impossible to verify. (the argument that you could refer to someone else, asking â€Å"is the chair blue?† fails because no matter how many people you ask, how do you know that you can trust them, or that they can trust their own eyes? In addition, what does it really mean to be called blue, anyway?) with this mode and form of arguments, it worth noting that any believe hold especially when a person have no reasonable doubt to believe in their thinking and imaginations. Therefore, both beliefs that God exist and or not holds to those believe on the same, either way. Additionally, Metaphysical â€Å"evidence† may be considered valid. Arguers against metaphysical evidenceà ¢â‚¬â„¢s validity do not, I think, fully understand what it means to be valid. Is any evidence provable with 100% certainty to be true? For example, in Mathematics proofs and deductions that bring about new knowledge are usually based on Theorems or Axioms (but rarely â€Å"Laws†). Therefore, while all deductions from these theorems are logically valid, should the Theorem be proven false, the deductions are no longer applicable to the universe in which the theorem as been proven false but

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Food Safety Issues Related to Street Vendors

Food Safety Issues Related to Street Vendors Introduction Street food vending forms a very important segment of the unauthorized sector of food industry. As a result of rapidly growing economy and better employment opportunities in urban areas, urban sector attracts a large proportion of population for employment and results in settlement of this section in other areas of big cities and development of suburbs. This growth is expected to increase significantly with the increasing urbanization population growth, especially in developing countries. Due to this transition, food habits of people are getting affected. In India during recent years there is an increasing trend in the sale and consumption of foods on the roadside. Though Street food vending is found around the world, but it has variations within both regions and cultures. Nowadays street food is becoming very popular and is in demand because it saves one’s time and energy as it is ready to eat, street foods reflect the traditional local culture and is one of the best ways to experience the real cuisine of any community. The Street vended foods include foods without any preparation, ready to eat food and foods cooked on the site. A part from this street food is appreciated for the taste, flavour they offer at low, affordable price to the general population. (Bhowmick, 2005) Street vended foods include foods as diverse as meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, grains, cereals, frozen produce and beverages. Street foods may be sold in places or found in clusters around public places, such as the market or fair, place of work, schools colleges, railway stations, hospital and bus terminals and may be vended from roadside makeshift stalls, carts or small establishments by hawkers or vendors . According to food and agricultural Organisation (F A O), 2.5 million people eat street food daily. The national policy for urban street vendors/hawkers of India notes that street vendors, roughly estimated to be 10 million, constitute approximately 2% of the metro populations. FAO defines street vended foods as â€Å"Ready – to – eat foods and beverages prepared and/ or sold by vendors and hawkers especially in street and other similar public place (FAO 1988). According to National policy on urban street vendors, street vendor is broadly defined as a person who offers goods for sale to the public without having a permanent built up structure but with a temporary static structure or mobile stall (or head load). Street vendors may be stationary by occupying space on the pavements or other public /private areas or may be mobile in the sense that move from place to place carrying their wares on push carts or in cycles or baskets on their heads ,or may sell their wares in moving trains, bus etc. (National policy on urban street vendors,2004). The rising popularity of street food vending, besides its social support system for the under privileged urban population is it’s easily accessibility; variety in taste, low cost fresh and often nutritious attributes. People spend almost 50% of their income on food; among low income groups this figure may go up to 70% (Bhandari). A study conducted in India in the city of Varanasi, observed that about 42% of working men and women in the age groups of 25-45 and 61% of the students in the age group of 14 -21 consumed food from the street vendors rather carrying foods from home to the workplace . About 82% of people of all age groups prefer to go to street vendors against 18% only who prefer to go to the restaurants in the evening (Mishra2007) FAO and WHO recognising this spiralling Asian trend, has promoted documents on â€Å" Food safety requirements for street vended foods† and also on â€Å" Training aspects â€Å" of safe food for small operator and inspectors. Presently countries like Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia have put together a structured national program to promote food safety in street vended food. IMPORTANCE of street foods The concept of traditional street food has acquired new dimensions in developed countries with food streets/ food centres emerging as new tourist attractions. Though street food culture pervades almost all countries of developed regions, the Asian street food is considered as the best in the world. The Time magazine survey of 2004 and the CNN report of March 2012 find Asia’s 10 greatest street food cities and tell us how the street food make those cities economically bustling and socially charming. Malaysia’s Penang, Taiwan’s Taipei, Thailand’s Bangkok, Japan’sFuloka, Vietnam’s Hanoi, Korea’s Seoul, Singapore, China’s Xian, Philippines’s Manila and Cambodia’s Phnom Penh find their places in this list of 10 top Asian street food cities. Street foods play a very important role in providing inexpensive and nutritious foods, particularly for millions in the middle and lower income groups. The FAO and the WHO have carried out several studies on street foods in different countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Besides their convenience and employment potential, the greatest factor in their favour is the fact that they can provide per capita calorie and protein requirements within a cost of around $1(wilnaro). It also plays an important social- economic role in terms of employment potential and in serving the food and nutritional requirements of consumers at the affordable prices. It requires a low capital investment, offers a chance for self employment and provides business opportunities for developing entrepreneurs. It also contributes to local and national economic growth by supporting local agricultural producers and food processors. Thus the socioeconomic significance of street foods is immense. Street foods are an attractive experience of varied foods for tourists. In developing countries, making and vending street food provides a regular source of income for vast number of men and particularly women, who lack education or skills. Also the street food vendors are valuable, because it is a large significant area supporting the livelihood of millions of the urban poor. Nothing represents the rich tapestry of India’s multi cultural fabric better than street food. The cuisine of a place speaks volume about the weather; cultural life style and habit of the people. The convenience and low price make street food the most favoured choice. Many itinerant workers who do not have proper housing and cooking facilities have no option but to depend upon street foods. Risk factors involved Food borne illness associated with the consumption of street vended foods has been reported in several places in India. Multiple lines of evidence reveal that foods exposed for sale on the roadsides may become contaminated either by spoilage or pathogenic microorganisms (Bryans 1992:A shenafi;1995;WHO,1984) Food can easily be adulterated to defraud the consumer and deprive him of his money’s worth. According to WHO (1989), Food handling personnel play an important role in ensuring food safety throughout the chain of food production and storage. Mishandling and disregard of hygiene measures on the part of the food vendors may enable pathogenic bacteria to come into contact with food and in some cases survive and multiply in sufficient numbers to cause illness in the consumer.Tamberker,reported that poor hygiene of vendors resulted in higher contamination(66.6%), reducing to (33.4%) where hygiene was fare. This higher contamination can be due to dirty clothing, unhyg ienic handling and serving practices, contaminated hands and lack of knowledge of hygienic practices. Many foods are highly perishable. They are easily contaminated when produced in an unhealthy and unclean environment. Microbiological contamination and spoilage of food needs to be prevented through good handling practice (Ham bridge). More often than not, the microbiological quality of street foods, especially that of prepared dishes and drinks is below standard, indicating inappropriate sanitary and hygienic practices during preparation and handling. Most of the foods are not well protected from flies, which carry food borne pathogens. Food borne pathogens are recognized as a major health hazard associated with street foods. Salmonella species is a post modern pathogen, which belongs to important food contaminating bacteria, causing a high number of human infections worldwide. Consumption of raw or inadequately processed animal foods can have a significant public health risk as such foods are frequently contaminated with pathogens and occasionally with toxic chemicals. Similarly vegetables, fruits and grains may carry hazardous contaminants. Further, unsanitary environmental conditions like proximity of the establishment to sewers or garbage dumps, pollution from traffic add to the public health risks associated with street foods. Additional hazards may also be in the form of use of improper food additives (often unauthorized colouring), myotoxins, heavy metals and other contaminants (such as pesticide residues) in street foods. Infrastructure developments are relatively limited with restricted access to potable water, toilets, refrigeration and washing and waste disposal facilities. Food Safety Practices—effects on public health With the increasing pace of globalisation and tourism, the safety of street food has become one of the major concerns of public health. There is difficulty in controlling the large numbers of street food vending operations because of their diversity, mobility and temporary nature. Food safety issues have been the most wanted intervention in the field of nutrition all over the world. Safety of the street food is an important aspect in the field of nutrition security. Ensuring food quality and food safety is equally significant for the welfare of an individual, a community and a nation. Since this is an unorganised sector, there is felt need of generating government’s initiation for its development. There is also a need of generating food and personal hygiene and ensuring an effective system of regular health examination of vendors and regular sample collection of food they are serving to the customers. In spite of numerous advantages offered by street foods, there are also seve ral health hazards associated with this sector of the economy. Many human illnesses are food related, because of lack of basic infrastructure and services, such as nutritional status and economic well-being are affected by food carrying pathogenic organisms and their toxins and by poisonous chemicals. Appropriate location and condition of vending stalls, observation of personal hygiene by vendors, employing washed and clean utensils, using potable water and proper drainage and waste disposal are some steps to be taken which can lead to hygiene and safe food. In India, traditional methods of processing and packaging, improper holding temperature, poor personal hygiene of food handlers are still observed during food marketing and sales. Consumption of raw inadequately processed animal foods can have a significant public health risk as such foods are frequently contaminated with pathogens and occasionally with toxic chemicals. Similarly vegetables fruits and grains may carry hazardous contaminants. There are also problems with the use of unauthorized food colours and some other additives, as well as chemical contamination from the environment. Various studies have been also done to observe the personal hygiene, health and food handling practices like (vendors not wearing clean clothes, are dirty, chewing tobacco during food handling and do not wipe hands after every service of food.). Bhasker (2004) reported that defective personal hygiene can facilitate the transmission of pathogenic bacteria found in environment and on people’s hands via food to humans. Handling with bare may result in cross contaminants, hence introduction of microbes on safe food (FAO’1997). Paulson D.S (1994) also reported that outbreaks are generally caused by foods due to poor personal hygiene of the vendors, during preparation or storage of food. Unhygienic surrounding like sewerage, improper waste disposal system and inadequate water supply attract flies and houseflies which further increase food contamination as reported by Chumber, 2007. To instil professional face to street food operators, the street food safety manage ment needs a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) and the prerequisite system as good manufacturing practices (GMPs) and good hygiene practices.(GHPs). Following Table reports current hazards and critical control points observed at the main steps along the street food production chain. Table—Hazards and critical control points identified at different steps of street food production chain Source:Chirag Gadi Microbial hazards and their solution, critical points, practical control processing measures and monitoring procedures as well as principles of food microbiology and food safety need to be incorporated for the safe street food preparation. Standards or Criteria to maintain while handling the food. The standards of street food safety can be upgraded by the vendors through implementation of some basic good practices with respect to hygiene and food handling. Standards for food handler requirements such as hand-washing, working attire, personal hygiene and personal behaviour should be maintained. Standards for food-vending equipment; which must be food grade ,easy to clean and sanitize, standards for food serving such as safe food cover and packaging, regular hygiene and sanitation inspection and monitoring of good food handling practices should always be maintained. Kinton and Ceserani(1996) recommended that food stuffs of all kinds should be kept covered as much as possible to prevent contamination from dust and flies. The food safety and standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has started engaging with the national association of street vendors of India in systematizing and professionalising street foods across cities in the wider interests of ensuring public health and protecting livelihood of street food vendors. Also FSSAI is in the process of developing guidelines and regulations to ensure food safety and safe street foods for state governments to implement. The Food safety and standards Authority of India has prepared a checklist, guidelines and prerequisite for registration of medium to small food –vending establishment to ensure food safety and upgrading of existing conditions of eating establishments. Several agencies at the level of the state governments, the department of public health, commerce, consumer affairs and food processing, the local municipalities and the police administration have identified roles and responsibilities in these guidelines and regulations that are expected to be executed to ensure safe street foods. Microbial hazards and their solution, critical points, practical control processing measures and monitoring procedures as well as principles of food processing microbiology and food safety need to be incorporated for the safe street food preparation. Appropriate location and conditions of vending stalls, observation of personal hygiene by vendors, employing washed and clean utensils, using potable water and proper drainage and waste disposal are some steps to be taken which can lead to hygiene and safe food. Policy issues for provision of safe food Adapting the five keys to safer food to address the street food sector (WHO,2011). WHO has developed few measures for street food vendors based on the principles of five keys to safe food. These can be incorporated and taught in Indian scenario. These are: Key 1: keep clean Key 2: raw and cooked food should be kept separated. Key 3: destroy hazards when possible. Key 4: keep microorganisms in food from growing. Key 5: use safe water and raw material. The Ministry of Food processing industries has proposed schemes for â€Å"’Safe Food Towns’’ and safe food streets’’. These schemes aim to upgrade the quality of street food by promoting Indian cuisines at affordable rates in locations of tourist importance through upgrading and creation of common Conclusion Keeping in view the scale of operation of such enterprises, it is quite a challenge to bring about improvements in the street food scenario. Policing action has to be coupled with training. Local bodies have also to provide facilities for safe water supply, garbage disposal etc. The HACCP approach can be applied to keep down hazards to consumers.(Raj.k.Malik)

Friday, October 25, 2019

Efficacy of Rehabilitative Programs Essay -- Correctional Programs, re

Criminal justice programs around the world face various challenges especially in rehabilitating the behavior of inmates within correctional facilities. The purpose of this research paper will be to assess the various issues that exist in rehabilitative programs within prison systems. Basically, rehabilitation programs are used to correct and rehabilitate criminal offenders so that they can emerge as useful members of society once they complete their prison sentences. Some of the rehabilitation programs that are commonly used to reform inmates include counseling, health and fitness programs, transcendental meditation, academic programs and religious programs. These rehabilitative programs are usually based on the assumption that criminal behavior in most suspects is caused by some contributing factor such as a history of violence, psychological or mental disorders (Barkan & Bryjak, 2009). Such an assumption does not refute that some criminals make their own personal choices to break the law but rather it argues that these personal choices are usually caused by certain factors which contribute to criminal behavior. Rehabilitation programs are therefore based on such perspectives where the various correctional programs are designed to deal with criminal enforcing behavior. For example counseling programs could focus on the behavior that led to the criminal offender committing the offense while educational programs could focus on how to change negative behavior to positive behavior. Correctional programs in prison facilities are therefore important in reducing the recurrence of criminal behavior as well as reducing recidivism among probationers and parolees (Barkan & Bryjak, 2009). In general, rehabilitation programs have been effe... ...on are usually focused on keeping the prisoners mentally happy. Religious programs provide inmates with coping mechanisms and spiritual guidance which enable them to deal with prison life. These programs also provide forums for prisoners where they can be able to forgive motivate and reconcile with their fellow inmates within the prison (O’Conner & Pallone, 2003). The efficacy of these programs has also not been determined by criminologists given that most prisoners who practice religion in prison fail to do so once they are released. Religious programs are therefore seen as temporary measures that enable prisoners to find spiritual solace in either Christian religious programs or Qaran readings. The overall effectiveness of these programs will however be determined by the number of prisoners who have not recorded any repeat offenses on being released from prison.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest Final Scene Essay

In the final scene of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Chief Bromden is the main character. The only two characters in this scene are Bromden and McMurphy, and even though McMurphy would be considered the main character of the entire film, Bromden is the main character of this scene because he has the strongest desire. In fact, in this one scene, Bromden has many desires that to him, are life or death. Initially, after hearing rumours of McMurphy’s escape, when McMurphy returns to his bed, Bromden thinks that he has returned in order to escape with him. At this point, Bromden’s desire is simply to escape the ward. He then realizes that McMurphy has not returned to escape, but that he has actually been lobotomized. When he sees this, he smothers McMurphy to death, knowing that McMurphy would not want to live like this, or have the others see him in this state. At this point in the scene, Bromden’s desire is to protect McMurphy’s pride. Once he fulfills this, he returns to his initial desire, as well as what used to be McMurphy’s desire to escape. He achieves this by using McMurphy’s escape plan; lifting the impossibly heavy hydrotherapy console and throwing it through the window. In doing this, Bromden not only achieves his own desire, but also completes the goal that McMurphy was unable to complete. Throughout the movie, Chief Bromden’s status quo is that he is inactive and lacks opinions and feelings. All of the other patients at the hospital think he is â€Å"deaf and dumb†. McMurphy is the only one to later discover that Bromden is neither deaf, nor mute. Before the tension in the final scene takes place, Bromden seems too passive and nonchalant to escape on his own, and he definitely seems much too harmless to murder anyone. In this scene, Bromden is forced to change when he sees that McMurphy has been lobotomized. His respect for McMurphy, and despair that he has been lobotomized and is no longer the powerful leader he used to be initiates the change in Bromden. Wanting McMurphy to die with honour, and having others remember him the way he was, Bromden finds the power to smother McMurphy to death. After McMurphy is dead, Bromden still has the initial desire of escaping. Before, he had been waiting for McMurphy to escape with him, because McMurphy was more intrepid and gallant than Bromden, and would be able to lead him. Now that McMurphy is unable to escape with him, Bromden is forced to find the courage to escape on his own. In this scene, the stakes are very high for Bromden. If he does not escape, he will have to live miserably in the mental institution for the rest of his life. The stakes are raised when he discovers that McMurphy has been lobotomized. Now, he takes on the responsibility to do what he knew McMurphy would want him to do- not allow him to live and be seen as a lobotomized vegetable. If Bromden does not succeed in killing McMurphy, Bromden will feel like he has let down and humiliated McMurphy. Once Bromden has smothered McMurphy, the stakes are once again raised as now not only does he have to escape because he doesn’t want to live in the hospital for the rest of his life, but he also has to leave because he has just murdered McMurphy, even though he did so out of respect. If he does not escape right away, he most likely will get in trouble for the murder of McMurphy (and probably get lobotomized himself) , he will have to spend his life in the miserable existence of the institution, and he will not have fulfilled McMurphy’s and his own desire to escape. The main conflict that takes place in this scene is the fact that Bromden has such a strong desire to escape with McMurphy, but when McMurphy is no longer able to escape, it becomes much more difficult to Bromden. The audience fears that upon discovering that McMurphy has been lobotomized, he will not be assertive enough to escape on his own. Until it is confirmed that McMurphy has been lobotomized, the audi ence hopes that the two of them will successfully escape together, but when it becomes clear that this will not happen, the audience wonders how Bromden will deal with this. He resolves the conflict by finding the courage to escape on his own. Another conflict in this scene is the fact that McMurphy, who is the most outspoken and powerful patient in the ward has been lobotomized. The fact that he basically no longer has a mind of his own not only gets in the way of Bromden’s desire, but will also destroy any optimism and faith that any of the other patients have. This is also a conflict for Bromden because he knows that McMurphy would be miserable if the old him were to see the lobotomized him, and Bromden does not want McMurphy to be shamed. Bromden deals with this conflict by killing McMurphy, that way none of the other patients will see him in this state, and McMurphy will not have to live this way for any longer. The main twist in this scene comes when McMurphy returns. Bromden is relieved because he thinks that McMurphy has returned to escape with him, but instead he has been lobotomized and no longer has any desire to escape. This comes as a shock to both Bromden, because it is the opposite of what he has expected, and also to the audience, because seeing McMurphy in the state of being lobotomized completely contrasts the character of McMurphy that the audience has come to know. The technique of juxtaposition makes this twist extremely effective. McMurphy is a character who is always active, energetic, powerful, and lively. He prides himself on his non-alignment, so the audience knows that to McMurphy, receiving a lobotomy is the worst thing that could possibly happen to him. Another technique used to make this twist so powerful is the uncertainty of both Bromden and the audience. First, when the other patients talk about how McMurphy has escaped, both Bromden and the audience believe that this plausibly occurred. When McMurphy is seen returning, acting lifeless, by now we know how manipulative and calculating McMurphy is, so the audience is unsure of whether McMurphy has actually been lobotomized, or if he is just pretending to be obedient so he can return, and then escape. We do not know for sure that McMurphy has actually been lobotomized until Bromden discovers the scars on his head. This provides a real shock because up until now, both Bromden and the audience was pretty sure that McMurphy was just faking it and the two of them would end up escaping together. A secondary twist in this scene is when Bromden suffocates McMurphy. Although Bromden did this with the best intention for McMurphy, it is still surprising to the audience, because no one could’ve pictured Bromden killing anyone, especially McMurphy who he has so much respect for. As mentioned above, Bromden has many strong desires throughout this scene. His main desire is to escape the ward. His secondary desire is to make sure that McMurphy dies with honour and does not have to live being the opposite of the lively, outspoken person he once was. He fulfills both of these desires, and even though he is unable to escape with McMurphy, which was his original intention, he still is able to escape on his own, and free himself from the mental institution. McMurphy, on the other hand, does not have much desire in this scene. Throughout the film, McMurphy has more desire than any other character; he wants to be in charge, he doesn’t want to do work, he wants to help and lead the other patients in the ward, he is a hedonist, who wants to please himself, and ultimately, his main desire is to escape. Despite all of this, by the last scene, he has been lobotomized, and therefore all of his desire has been drained. He is now a vegetable, who is unable to and has no will to escape with Bromden. His lack of desire makes Bromden’s desire even stronger, because McMurphy was the most passionate patient of them all, but now he is basically brain dead. This ignites Bromden’s desire to put an end to McMurphy’s now meaningless life, and it further motivates his desire to escape the hospital, because he sees how it is able to drain even the most passionate and spirited person.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Analyse and present research information Essay

Computers R’ Us have the following organisational requirements: Security and confidentiality requirements Management and accountability channels Research strategies- use a combination of research via print and online Presenting Information – All information in Arial, font 12 Procedures for updating records – This is the task of the HR manager and the sales manager. The 3 new products to be launched are: 1. Lenovo Yoga – A convertible laptop-tablet 2. Bose SoundLink Mini Bluetooth Speaker – A Bluetooth ultraportable speaker for music on the go   3. Astro Pro 2- An external power bank or battery charger for laptops, smartphones, iPhone etc. PART A The objectives of each research topic are as follows: OBJECTIVES FOR THE THREE NEW PRODUCTS TO BE LAUNCHED: Due to changed industry trends, there is a need for new products to be launched. Failure of the past products In order to increase the profitability for the company. OBJECTIVES FOR CHOOSING A NEW COURIER COMPANY: Faster service More customer satisfaction Increasing complaints for the previous company OBJECTIVES FOR CHOOSING A NEW OFFICE RENTAL PLACE: To avoid unwanted expenses Parking availability To reach out to more customers Increased profitability. PART B RESEARCH REQUIREMENTS For new products launch: The current market scenario needs to be researched in detail. Current availing prices and strategies, and competitors activities need to be assessed. For courier company: Feedback needs to be taken from existing customers of the courier company. Market research to be conducted on the reliability of the company. Rental property: A good real estate to be consulted and detail research to be done on the pros and cons of each location. BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY For new products launch: Attending technology expos, Research on Internet, Technology Magazines, Consulting Tech Gurus. For courier company: Directories, Internet research, Google Places ratings. Rental property: Real estate websites, Real estate offices, Newspaper adverts. , Magazine listings. KEW WORDS AND PHRASES FOR ONLINE SEARCH For new products launch: Computers and accessories in demand, Hot new products, Must have computers, Computers to buy 2014, Accessories to buy 2014, Affordable computers+ accessories. For courier company: Best courier service, Courier in Melbourne, Melbourne courier service. PART C PRODUCTS TO BE LAUNCHED LENOVO YOGA: The Yoga is perhaps one of the most usable devices on the market. It has a great keyboard, track pad, and touchscreen, and can be used in multiple positions. Yoga combines the productivity of an Ultra-book with the touch experience of a tablet, taking full advantage of the Windows 8 functionality. The screen flips a full 360 degrees into four modes that make it easy to create, share, or consume content. Combine those with its long battery life, and the Yoga provides ultimate versatility. The Lenovo Yoga comes at a wholesale price of $550 and is sold at a current market price of  $699, which gives a profitability of $150 per piece sold. It is a definite hit with consumers due to its unique design and diverse usability. Bose SoundLink Mini Bluetooth Speaker: Enjoy your music on the go, everywhere you go. The SoundLink ® Mini Bluetooth speaker delivers full, natural sound from an ultra-compact speaker that fits in the palm of your hand. It connects wirelessly to your smartphone, tablet or other Bluetooth device, so you can listen to your music, videos or games anytime, anywhere. Just grab it and go. Features Advanced audio performance delivers full-range listening experience The most compact mobile speaker from Bose easily goes where you go Wirelessly connects to your Bluetooth device Rechargeable battery plays up to 7 hours USB port allows for software update to ensure ongoing Bluetooth device compatibility Soft covers are available separately in blue, green or orange The speaker comes with charging cradle and power cord and accessory covers are available separately The speakers come at a wholesale price of $150 and the current market price is $200. Though the profitability is not much but the speakers are highly in demand and sellable very fast. Astro Pro 2: Astro Pro2 is one of the newest laptop external batteries, which provide 1 full charge to laptops equals to 9 cycles on phones. New, yet been noted to be a dependable external charger. Dependable because it does not only give exact status, but also super powered with a built-in high capacity of 20000mAh. Product Features Slim and comfortable in a small pouch. Fashionable feature that fits any occasion and rugged for daily use. Lightweight. Its only two pounds when shipped. With a built in lithium polymer battery: Ensures longer laptop battery life up to 8 hours or more. This external battery is equipped with two outputs for greater function. Impressive LED lights to display battery status and percentage: Astro Pro2 LED lights are consistent, clear, and accurate all the time. They update not only the ‘in and out’ details, but they also provide the laptop battery life’s percentage. With this, the user won’t find  it hard when to stop and connect this battery to your starving laptop. Aluminium body in a stylish packaging. Great deal with various inclusions: 1 Anker Astro Pro2 20000mAh external battery, four phone connectors, 1 USB cable, 10 laptop connectors, 1 DC power cable, 1 AC 100-240V adapter, 1 pouch and user guide Dimensions: 4.9 x 7.3 x 0.6 inches; 1.2 pounds The wholesale price for Astro Pro 2 is $99 and its current market sale price is $135. Sales are very high for this product. COURIER COMPANY GOLDEN MESSENGERS – An established transport and delivery company, Golden Messenger provides express courier services in Melbourne and across Australia. Golden Messenger offers a Guaranteed Minimum Delivery Time (GMDT): their deliveries, whether as-needs or scheduled, are on time or it’s free. If you need same day delivery, they are the business courier service to call. Messenger can help you with your day-to-day business delivery and run-around needs in the Melbourne CBD and metropolitan area. They provide ad-hoc courier deliveries (Standard, Express and Priority), logistics solutions, banking (including pick-up and banking of cheques) and mail runs. They can utilise a light van, taxi truck, half-tonne or one-tonne van or tray to carry out permanent runs or contract transport. Golden Messenger also offers country and interstate parcel and mail courier services, whether your freight is a full or less-than-full truckload. They will manage all your intrastate and interstate transport needs, including carton delivery. Golden Messenger is a professional team of couriers with a focus on communication, operating 24 hours and 7 days to transport your deliveries on time. RENTAL OFFICE PROPERTIES Option 1 – 1ST FLOOR ROOMS/OFFICES FOR LEASE – NEPEAN HWY FRANKSTON. Located in an ideal location, this office has a reception area, spilt system heating and cooling, shared kitchen and bathroom facilities. Secured entry with intercom access. Total rooms – 2. Rent cost – $12000 p.a. or $1000 p.m. Option 2 – 4/79-83 Miles Grove, SEAFORD 3198 *Industrial 1 Zone *89 Sq. m (approx.) factory type location *Ideal for storage/online business *Kitchenette *Toilet and shower *Available now *$800.00 per calendar month, plus GST, plus outgoings (O/G’s Approx. $1,000 per annum) Option 3 – 22/94 High Street, BERWICK 3806 Modern office space. Dedicated air conditioner, suspended acoustic ceiling, sink/kitchen area, carpeted. Front building entry to Main Street, rear building entry to car park. Rent – $1650 p.m. PART D /22/94 HIGH STREET, BERWICK VIC 3806 For Lease /94 HIGH STREET, BERWICK VIC 3806 For Lease $1,650 p 94 HIGH STREET, BERWICK VIC 3806 For Lease $1,650 p 4/79-83 MILES GROVE, SEAFORD VIC 3198 For Lease $9,600 pa

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Nazisim essays

Nazisim essays Throughout the years, decades and centuries of the worlds tragic history, there is one specific event that is crucial and substantial to the development and outcome of how society is today- the Holocaust and Nazi Germany. It is a widely known fact that Adolf Hitler started the Holocaust during World War II (In the 1930s); but why was it started; what were the reasons behind it; and most importantly, how was it started? These are all excellent questions although do not have logical answers. Thus far, Nazism is a hard concept to grasp. It is difficult to understand how one man can single-handedly overrule a nation and acquire the vast lands and deaths that he had. Looking back today, society realizes it was absurd, but back then, Hitler and the Nazis did have what they thought to be rational reasons to start the wave and lifestyle of Nazism. Even before the Holocaust, Nazism was on the rise. In summer of the 1920s, the Swastika was designed, by Hitler and quickly became the symbol of Jewish persecution (Gottfried 44). The Nazi Party, formally known as the German Workers Party, however was not successful at first. In the beginning, the Nazi Party was merely a small group of individuals who sought for power. When first started, the Nazi Party was a small fringe group that had campaigned unsuccessfully to win the factory working class away from socialism. (Overy 22) Hitler just as the former Nazi Party wanted to hold all of the power that he could. He was exactly the right man to lead this unorganized group. After Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany and he began going to the German Workers Partys meetings, he started to realize the state that Germany was in. With the Germany in severe depression, Hitler realized that the people of Germany would believe anyone and anything that was promising. Nazism was started. More and more people began to atten ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Johnstons plan

Johnston's plan was to defeat Grant before Buell could arrive with reinforcements. He moved to attack on Apr. 3, but because of delay in the advance to the Union front, it was not until early on Apr. 6 that his troops fell upon the enemy near Shiloh Church. Grant's position was unfortified, in spite of orders to the contrary from General Halleck, Union commander in the West. Having offensive plans of his own, Grant expected no attack, and consequently his irregularly placed divisions were thrown back in confusion at the Confederate assault ( At a key position, known as the Hornets Nest, 6 thousand Union troops under Prentiss and Gen. Wallace stood ground. It was called the Hornets Nest because the sounds of the bullets flying through the air back and forth sounded like a hornet. The wall was broken when the Confederates brought 62 cannons and shot at point blank straight into the Union troops. This was the largest concentration of artillery ever assemble! d in North America to that point (Bannister 84). In the day's fighting the Confederates swept the field, but they suffered a huge casualty. Johnston was hit by a minie ball in the knee and bled to death on the battlefield. Beauregard, who assumed command, was capable, but he could not sustain the momentum of the fight. Beauregard ceased battle at nightfall. The Union forces had been pushed back over a mile from their first positions but, although hard-pressed, still held Pittsburg Landing, which the Confederates wanted to secure in order to cut off retreat. With 20,000 reinforcements from the division at Crump's Landing and the advance divisions of Buell's army, the Federals took the offensive on Apr. 7. Beauregard, outnumbered and without fresh troops, resisted for about eight hours and then proceeded to withdraw to Corinth; the Union command did not make any effective pursuit (Bannister 87-90). After all the dust had cleared, thousands o ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

15 Names and Descriptions of Effects

15 Names and Descriptions of Effects 15 Names and Descriptions of Effects 15 Names and Descriptions of Effects By Mark Nichol We’ve all heard about one behavioral or scientific effect or another, but perhaps we’re not sure we’re getting the name right, or even that we mean the one we think we do when we name it. Here are the labels of the most ubiquitous of effects and the thesis or the scientific principle underlying each one. 1. Bambi effect: Animals widely perceived as visually appealing will be given more consideration or sympathy than those deemed less attractive. (A rare additional connotation refers to homosexual men who engage in heterosexual behavior.) 2. Butterfly effect: A seemingly inconsequential event or incident can have momentous consequences. 3. Domino effect: Each in a series of events or incidents causes the subsequent phenomena. 4. Doppler effect: A wave’s frequency changes in relation to the relative position of the source or the observer. 5. Greenhouse effect: Heat emanating from a planetary surface will be absorbed and redistributed by atmospheric gases back to the surface or into the atmosphere, resulting in an increase in temperature. 6. Halo effect: The more attractive or appealing a person or other entity is, the more favorably they will be evaluated or the more sympathetically they will be treated. 7. Hawthorne effect: People being observed as part of a study will perform better or otherwise as expected simply because they know they are being studied. 8. Hundredth-monkey effect: A thought or behavior is widely and suddenly distributed through a group once a critical number of members of that group are exposed to the thought or behavior. (This theory is basically valid, but the claim of instantaneous transmission has been discredited.) 9. Mozart effect: Listening to music composed by Mozart temporarily improves performance on mental tasks. (This theory has been distorted to suggest that doing so makes the listener smarter; furthermore, additional studies have concluded that the specific composer or music genre, or whether one listens specifically to music at all, is irrelevant; experiencing anything one enjoys may improve performance.) 10. Placebo effect: Patients given secretly ineffectual or simulated treatment will perceive that their condition has improved, or that it will improve, because they believe the treatment has benefited or will benefit them. 11. Pygmalion effect: The more that is expected of people, the better they will perform. 12. Ripple effect: A single incident or occurrence may have consequences and ramifications beyond the scope of the original phenomenon. 13. Snowball effect: See â€Å"ripple effect.† 14. Streisand effect: Attempts to censor or conceal information lead to increased publicity. 15. Trickle-down effect: A consumer item may initially be affordable only for the affluent, but its price will likely decrease until people of more modest means can afford it (at which time it often becomes less attractive to wealthier people). Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Useful Stock Phrases for Your Business Emails80 Idioms with the Word Time40 Synonyms for Praise

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Chemistry and Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Chemistry and Society - Essay Example In the ancient time, spiraea and willow bark plant extract of which the active ingredient was salicylic acid had been used to ease pain, headaches and fevers. In the year 1763, Edward Stone isolated the active element of aspirin when he discovered salicylic acid. Charles Frederic Gerhardt who was a French chemist prepared the first acetylsalicylic acid in the year 1853. During Charles Frederic Gerhardt's work, on the property and synthesis of different acid anhydrides, Charles Frederic mixed acetyl chloride with a sodium salt (Edubillacom, 2015). After a vigorous reaction, the resulting melt was then solidified, and the compound obtained was named salicylic-acetic anhydride.In the year 1859, von Gilm obtained acetylsalicylic acid through the reaction of acetyl chloride and salicylic acid (Watson, 2011). In the year 1897, Bayer AG chemists produced a version of synthetically altered salicin. The product was derived from Filipendula ulmaria species which had a less digestive upset as c ompared to the pure salicylic acid. Bayer AG named the new drug Aspirin (May & Cotton, 2014). By the year 1899, the drug was sold around the world (SchröR, 2009). The drug became popularly known due to its effectiveness in the first half of the 20th century. Synthetic fabrics are from synthetic polymers which are created using polymerization of different chemical inputs. Polymerization refers to the process of combining various smaller molecules to form larger molecules.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Exposure to acute and chronic stress has been linked closely with the Essay

Exposure to acute and chronic stress has been linked closely with the development of addiction and vulnerability to addiction relapse. Your task is to describe - Essay Example In order to elucidate the link mentioned in the title of the paper and to delve deep into the connections to be discussed, one must first explore the ‘meaning’ and to what the title represents as Stuart Hall states: Meaning is important and extremely necessary to communicate the understanding of general terms, and is, in this case, important to represent a connection which will be theorised further into the paper. Basically (and by ‘basically’ the general idea is implied), stress is a state of mind which depicts the fact that something would have caused strain and strain being responsible for the production of stress that we feel mentally and physically another way to define it would be: An example of stress and its interrelation to the mind and the body, would be to consider stress as a psychological value and then evaluate what could the outcomes be in physical form, for instance chronic stress could cause physical effects to the body in the form of fatigue or could cause the changes in physiological processes which could in turn cause the change in the blood chemistry and lead to a weaker immune system hence the physical or the biological (to be more precise) effect of a psychological function: stress. Likewise, stress can be caused by biological variables as in toxins, loud noise or drugs. Hence the relation; been established between stress and the way it interacts with the brain in a ‘superficial form’, one can proceed to discuss the link between Stress and Addiction and later on; stress and addictive behaviour. What we observe from our society and even the media is the fact that various ‘addictions’ have surfaced in this modern era. Be it drugs or other substance, be it behavioural or be it anything we feel we must keep on doing in a repetitive manner and involves the feeling of euphoria, for a part. What remains important is not the information ‘about’ stress but how

The political system in Saudi Arabia Term Paper

The political system in Saudi Arabia - Term Paper Example However, in Middle East and Saudi Arabia Islamic rules are prevailing. The kingdom of Saudi Arabia was founded in 1932 by Abdul Aziz bin Saud. Since then Saudi Arabia was ruled by somebody from Abdul Aziz bin Saud’s family. Ibn Saud’s son, King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud has been the ruler since 2005, though he had been regent from 1996, due to the illness of his brother King Fahad. The King’s heir apparent is Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, who also holds the title of Deputy Prime Minister, and who is a half-brother of the King (The Political System of Saudi Arabia) In political terms one can say that absolute monarchy is prevailing in Saudi Arabia. Absolute monarchy is exists when the ruler has power beyond the constitution and laws of the country. In Saudi Arabia, the King holds supreme power beyond the limits of constitution and law. Political observers are surprised to see the developments in Saudi Arabia even without a democratic or communist government. Many people have the illusion that only democracy or communism like stable political ideologies can bring developments in a country. But the case of Saudi Arabia is entirely different. Even without these political institutions, Saudi taught the external world that a country can develop properly with the help of visionary leadership. This paper compares the political systems in Saudi Arabia with that in other parts of the world. ... In other words, the responsibilities of the Saudi king are extremely large compared to the responsibilities of other gulf political leaders. However, the King appoints a Crown Prince to help him in administrative matters. â€Å"The Crown Prince is second in line to the throne† (About Saudi Arabia). In Iran, President holds the power of the president as well as prime minister. However, a cabinet is there both in Iran to assist the president in administrative matters. In India, all the administrative matters are done by the president and his colleagues. Elections are conducted in Iran once in every four years to elect the president. But in Saudi Arabia, no parliament elections are conducted even though ministries and cabinet are functioning in Saudi also. Saudi ministry and cabinet are nominated by the King. Other gulf countries such as UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman etc also have similar political systems as that in Saudi Arabia. In all these countries absolute monarchy is p revailing and the King holds the supreme power in all administrative matters. â€Å"Saudi legislative council is made up of a Consultative Council (also known as Majlis as-Shura or Shura Council) with 150 members and a chairman appointed by the king for a four-year term† (The Political System of Saudi Arabia). It should be noted that in democratic countries, the legislative council is formulated based on elections. For example, in India, legislative council or parliament members are elected by the people in general elections. It should be noted that Islamic rules are prevailing in Saudi Arabia. Moreover, Saudi Arabia is the most sacred country for Muslims all over the world. Mecca and Medina are the most important

George Orwell Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

George Orwell - Essay Example George was born Brian Arthur Blair, on June 25 1903, in Bengal India, a protectorate of the British government, to a British official Richard Blair and to a governess, Ida. His mother moved back to Britain to raise her two children, as it would have been norm of any British woman. His formative years were spent with his mother and sister and his love for the English language saw her mother enroll him into St. Cyprian. This move in his life can be attributed to so many other things in his life and the reason he did things the way he did them. It molded his perspective on authority and decision-making. When he was fourteen, he was admitted into Eton a prestigious school where he excelled and acquired the bad habit of smoking, an indulgence that would later cost him his life. When time came for him to go to university, which he had qualified, he opted to serve in the British imperial police, a move perceived as his way to â€Å"feel† what authority entailed. He also served as police officer in Burma in a powerful position for such a young and inexperienced officer. He did his duty with grace at first but the inhumane condition and treatment of the locals by the police started to erode his pride and his sense of duty (Hitchens, 143). Four years into the service, Arthur resigned and returned to Britain to pursue his newly discovered passion of writing; a move that did not auger well with his dad. The late 20s found him in a midlife crisis of trying to worm himself into a position of comfort in his life. He did menial jobs here and there while trying to reconnect with his humanity, through interacting with trumps by pretending to be one. He then went to Paris in 1929, and his experiences there inspired his first book, Down And Out in Paris and London. When producing this book, he took the literal name of George Orwell; a name that would survive his true identity. The successes of his first book saw him delve into his

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Wireless Technology used in Business Application Essay

Wireless Technology used in Business Application - Essay Example Nevertheless, even usual e-mail applications corresponds as a security threat for a potential enterprise if hackers gain the access to the network, or feed the network with viruses or other malicious software. IT managers must carefully appraise security risks involved with wireless applications and try to maintain proper security for the networks as is needed. This paper will address the issues regarding wireless technology and tries to discuss the positive and negative points of using this technology for business purposes. Cellular systems were begin to be used more than a quarter of centaury ago and since that time, IT managers realized that the Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS) standard was not secure enough for authentication purposes because of caller fraud which was going to be increased. (Kurose, 2004) By the appearance of Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) which provided 128-bit encryption for security purposes and Global System for Mobile communications (GSM) provided encryption and the implementation of user authentication techniques as part of the wireless standard, security flaws also appeared and IT managers faced with unlawful use of communications by un-authorized users, so new standards were defined. Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) which specifies an unequalled code to each data packet and then disperses the packets thorough the air made it difficult for hackers to intercept the packages and brought more security for the devices which were designed to benefit from the wireless technology such as PDAs, Cell Phones and Laptops. (Kurose,2004) However the more technology improved, more and easier ways to intercept a wireless based structure appeared and this resulted companies to seek for more improved security if they wished to deploy their wireless networks. At the same time the wireless data networking is earning most of the marketplace notice, IT managers and the organizations which employ

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Construction Contracts in Context Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Construction Contracts in Context - Essay Example Hoover‘EmUp PLC (‘Hoover’) brought out share of SkyHigh Project Limited (‘SkyHigh’) which was a middle sized contraction company. The initial designs were done by PrimeDesign Partnership (‘PrimeDesign’). Hoover had a lawyer who helped him in his projects. The lawyer usually goes through his paper to be updated with the agreements he is in. During one particular diligence exercise he noticed that Hoover had misstated some of his documents. Being a written contact it might give the opponent a good hand in case of a dispute. The statements brought him into a big problem for design defects were noticed in the building. When Hoover noticed the problem he blamed it to PrimeDesign. The use of different legal issues in construction was the only way they have to meet their claims2. A good construction contract should be able to adhere to the Legal issues related to construction. Different contractual and legal issues were noticed in the case. Legal issue discovered during the investigation of the case3. The first issue was the one that deals with contractors and subcontractors. The issue deals with matters concerning what contractors are held liable during the building process4. It states that contractors and subcontractors are liability in automobile, commercial general and worker compensation/ employers’ liability. Hoover being the employer of PrimeDesign he is protected by this law. He has the right to sue PrimeDesign and claim for compensation. He can use the advantage of this law to ensure that SkyHigh has been compensated completely or partially for the design problem which is expensive. Another issue is in term of risk of the property or the builder. Risk of property of builder section tackled accidents that may lead damage of property or bodily damage. The decisions are made based on different considerations. Location of the project, type of project, cost associated with the project, type of contract, owner’s desires

Wireless Technology used in Business Application Essay

Wireless Technology used in Business Application - Essay Example Nevertheless, even usual e-mail applications corresponds as a security threat for a potential enterprise if hackers gain the access to the network, or feed the network with viruses or other malicious software. IT managers must carefully appraise security risks involved with wireless applications and try to maintain proper security for the networks as is needed. This paper will address the issues regarding wireless technology and tries to discuss the positive and negative points of using this technology for business purposes. Cellular systems were begin to be used more than a quarter of centaury ago and since that time, IT managers realized that the Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS) standard was not secure enough for authentication purposes because of caller fraud which was going to be increased. (Kurose, 2004) By the appearance of Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) which provided 128-bit encryption for security purposes and Global System for Mobile communications (GSM) provided encryption and the implementation of user authentication techniques as part of the wireless standard, security flaws also appeared and IT managers faced with unlawful use of communications by un-authorized users, so new standards were defined. Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) which specifies an unequalled code to each data packet and then disperses the packets thorough the air made it difficult for hackers to intercept the packages and brought more security for the devices which were designed to benefit from the wireless technology such as PDAs, Cell Phones and Laptops. (Kurose,2004) However the more technology improved, more and easier ways to intercept a wireless based structure appeared and this resulted companies to seek for more improved security if they wished to deploy their wireless networks. At the same time the wireless data networking is earning most of the marketplace notice, IT managers and the organizations which employ

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Market Planning Essay Example for Free

Market Planning Essay Analysis 1. Introduction In 2001, Doole and Lowe defined the international marketing. In a simple class, international marketing involves the firm in making one or more marketing mix decisions across national boundaries. And in a complex class, it involves the firm in establishing manufacturing facilities overseas and coordinating marketing strategies across the globe (Doole Lowe, 2001). And Chong and Kasturiratne said that, â€Å"the world of marketing is a dynamic and very exciting one where decision making is at the heart of the marketing process. New markets are opening and old markets are evolving, bringing with them new competitors but also alliances (Chong Kasturiratn, 2009).† 2.1 Primark Background Primark is an interesting, amazing and growing company that gives customers with low-cost fashion clothing. It has a supply chain, which is very effective. The production link in China, India, Turkey, Bangladesh and other countries, with retail outlets in Ireland, the UK and other parts of Europe (Businesscasestudies, 2011). Primark is a global clothing retailer found in June 1969, and in Mary Street, Dublin, the first Penneys store opened. The developing speed is fast, from 1969 to 2012, there are 38 stores in Ireland, 35 stores in Spain, 161 stores in UK, 4 stores in Netherlands, 6 stores in Portugal, 9 stores in Germany, 1 store in Belgium and 2stores in Austria. In total, there are 256 stores all over the world (Primark, 2012). The slogan of Primark is style, quality and affordable prices all rolled into one at Primark. And the key principle of Primark is to provide the consumers with low-coat fashion items. The target consumer is the people who has fashion thinking and want to save money. By using the way of sourcing productions efficiently, making clothing with easy design, using local raw material, paying attention to the mass size and speeding less on advertisement, the operating of Primark is efficient. 1.2 Chinese fast fashion According to Barnes and Lea-Greenwood, fast fashion is a kind of marketing strategy. When the demand of consumers touches a top value, to satisfy this peak, the purpose of fast fashion is to reduce involved processes in the buying cycle and save times for delivering new fashion productions into stores (Barnes Lea-Greenwood, 2006). In recent times, fast fashion developed very fast, it become an emerging market for the whole world, In China, Fast Fashion brands are now learning that the speed of bringing a new style to market is secondary to the speed of reaching the market at all (Poleg, 2012). 2. Analysis 2.1 PEST analysis If an organization want to enter a new market, before the beginning of the process, PEST analysis is very important. The PEST analysis is an efficient tool to understand the market. The factors include political, economic, social-cultural, and technological. Political: The political factor has a big influence on the business. In the year of 2012, the political environment is stable, though it is the time that China’s leader will change from Jintao Hu to Jinping Xi. As one of China’s fundamental political system, the multi-party cooperation system identifies the status and functions of the CPC and the eight other political parties in the political life of the state, and the relations between the parties (U.S. State Department, 2012). And the Chinese government consists of a system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC. The system ensures that the CPC is the only party in power in the Peoples Republic of China (Fogel, 2010). So even though the leader changed, the policy will change limited in the future. And at the same year, the Chinese government has put forward the 12th five year plan. In the twelfth chapter, there is a plan to improve the level of opening up, in order to make a win-win situation. That policy may be good for Primark’s entry to Beijing’s market. Economic: In recent years, as the result of successful economic reform and nimble marketing strategy, Beijing’s rag trade is becoming prosperous. GDP is becoming higher and higher, so the consumer awareness of people who living in Beijing is stronger than the past time. Rag trade in the Beijing is a big market ranked thirty-sixth (Wang Zhao, 2012). With the reform and open and the developing of economics, china is the biggest clothing industry and brand development all over the world. Beijing is a city of big consumption for clothing, there is more than 60 percent foreign clothing investment in Beijing. According to the Beijing statistical bureau’s data, in the year of 2011, the disposable incom e of each Beijing resident is increased 13.2 percent, consumer spending of each is increased 10.3 percent. And for the clothing spending is increased 8.5 percent, which occupy the whole spending 10.3 percent. Last year, the spending on clothing is 46.92 billion. And it occupies 22.6 percent for the last year in the shopping mall (Beijing business information consultation center, 2012). And for the economic growing, it is do a high speed of China’s developing in the past 10 years. GDP is 47156.4 billion, it increased 9.2 percent, and the expert forecast the date will be increased more than 12%. China’s clothing market is very huge, in the year of 2011, the sales volume of transnational clothing corporation is 5700 million, and the sales volume of shopping center is 2340 million (We the financial channel, 2012). Economic globalization has become the trend of world economic development. In the year of 2012, there are 1419 new foreign investments have been approved in Beijing. The growth year-on-year is 3.73%. The total investment of new established enterprise is 4.109 billion dollars, and the growth year-on-year is 92.05% (China industry research, 2012). Social: Beijing is the capital of China, so Beijing is the center of political, culture, science and technology, and diplomacy activity. The culture of clothing has a long history in here, there is strength in the culture deposits and arts and humanities. At the same time, Beijing is the center of national minority, it can sufficiently shows the glamour of brand. Beijing is the economical center of northern part of China, there is a vast potential for future development. Nowadays, the developing speed of Beijing’s economic is very fast, followed, the values and taste are changed, too. The demand of new clothing, new brand, and new style is the key point. There is a big latent purchasing power on the people who come from other places. After reform and open up, people travel to Beijing, people work in Beijing, people settle in Beijin g. International stars, HK, Macao and Taiwan compatriots, artists, and famous people, they all like to go to Beijing. All of these make a good foundation for the clothing development. As the capital of China, Beijing is the center of international communication. There are a large number of embassies, trade delegations, and foreign institutions. A lot of meetings in Beijing, China International Clothing and Accessories Fair are now the largest fashion fair in China and it stands for the authority level in China. The clothing market in Beijing contains top grade brand shopping mall, brand shop, boutique, exclusive shop, and supermarket, all of these make a system that good for new brand located. Technological: In Beijing, people can easy to get information and there is strength for the textile industry—update the technology and imported technology is convenience. So Beijing’s rag trade can follow the international fashion. The development of high technology makes Beijing’s market climb a high level. And there are some top-ranking clothing universities in Beijing, such as Beijing Institute of Fashion, Tsinghua University and China Academy of Art, and so on. There are 10 universities focus on clothing, they make high level talents for design, management and sales, which improve the Beijing’s rag trade. 2.2 Michael Porter Five Forces Analysis Suppliers bargaining power: A producing industry requires raw materials-labor, components, and other supplies. This requirement leads to buyer-supplier relationship between the industry and the firms that provide it the raw materials used to create products. Suppliers, if powerful, can exert an influence on the producing industry (Quick MBA, 2010). As we mentioned in the Primark background, the first supplier is China, the credible forward integration threat by suppliers, suppliers concentrated, significant cost to switch suppliers and customers powerful make the suppliers are powerful. Primark sell in bulk, and have a mandatory requirement. Primarks Supplier Code of Conduct is a mandatory requirement within which its suppliers work. It incorporates the United Nations Charter, Chapter IX, article 55 and is subject to strict and ongoing audits conducted by third parties (Primark, 2012). Primark takes this Code of Conduct very seriously and its management board reviews it regularly. But there is exiting a problem, which is the increasing cost of raw material. Because of the decreasing cotton cultivation makes the cotton price increased in China. So Primark should pay attention to the relationship with suppliers caused by price increasing. Buyer bargaining power: Buyer concentration versus firm concentration refers to the extent of concentration in the buyer’s industry compared to the extent of concentration in business. The more concentrated the buyer’s industry relative to business the greater the bargaining power of buyers (Lima, 2006). By the late 90’s, Chinese rag trade stepped into the buyer’s market. There is no definite brand and positioning, the increasing of productive power is faster than the increasing of order quantity. The competitors always win by low-cost. And for the targeting group of Primark is young people, there are a few buyers with significant market share and they possess a credible backward integration threat, so the bargaining power of consumers is high. Potential new entrants: The rag trade has low barriers to entry, and in theory, any form should be able to enter and exit a market, and if free entry and exit exists, then profits always should be nominal (Quick MBA, 2010). So, although the rag trade is easy to enter, there is exiting so many competitors. If Primark want to get the profits, it should have its own characteristics and build its own brand name. Like Lima said â€Å"Brand identity is the extent to which buyers take the brand name into account when making purchase decisions (Lima, 2006).† Threat of Substitutes: In Porter’s model, threat of substitutes is caused by the products in other industries. The price change of the substitutes can affect the product’s demand. But clothing is essential for people, it is difficult to find a substitute for clothing. But the consumers in current time, the function of clothing is not only kept warm, but also to follow fashion. So some consumer changes their attention to cosmetic and jewelry. Therefore, the threat of substitutes is high The rivalry among competing sellers: Primark’s main competitors are HM, ZARA, GAP, UNIQLO and other fast fashion brand. From a macroscopic analysis, there is no different between the competitors. But from the microcosmic, the price strategy of low-cost is an advantage point. So the threat of competitors is high and fierce. When Primark face to the competitors, it should improve the product differentiation, creatively use a distribution channel and improve the relationship with supp liers. 2.3 SWOT analysis A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning process. Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S) or weaknesses (W), and those external to the form can be classified as opportunities (O) or threats (T). Such an analysis is referred to as a SWOT analysis (Quick MBA, 2010). Strengths: Primark has confirmed the market of goal and brand name. It comes from Europe and it is easy to develop in Beijing. And the style of clothing is prevailing with low price. It is easy to find factory to produce productions. The brand is fits for the youth to follow fashion and fits for their purchasing power. And it has a good industry chain. Weakness: Primark does not familiar with the market in Beijing, and Chinese consumer does not know the brand. Other fast fashion settle in Beijing early, and they occupy the market. Opportunities: There will be plenty of space for new brand to grow. There is a high purchasing power in Beijing’s market. The education of Beijing is high and people can accept new things. Threats: The culture, policy and human are totally different from Europe, these make difficult to entry. And some competitors have settled in Beijing a few years age, how to attract consumers and how to build brand name is the first problem. - Strategy Development 2 STP Analysis In the marketing theory, segmentation, targeting and positioning are the factors of company marketing strategies. When Primark enters Beijing’s market, it will face to thousands of consumers. The consumer psychology, consumption habit and income level are different. By analysis the strategies factors, we can know which way fits for the Primark in Beijing. 3.1 Segmentation Geographical factors In Beijing’s market, we divide the geographical factors into two parts, one is city consumer, and another is rural consumer. For the city consumer, they need the clothing style full of modern and the productions can follow the fashion trend. For the rural consumer, they focus on the practicability of the productions, and pay less attention to the appearance. Demographic factors A).Gender: The demand for clothing is different between men and women, women have a high demand for the appearance of the clothing, and men pay attention to the style and practicability. B).Age: Different age stay in the different level. The young people and students in school are the main consumer group. Based on some researches, the people whose age between 18 and 35 is a big consumer group, they hold the 50% of the clothing market, and there are only 19% held by the age of 40. The young people is the leading group for the fast fashion, different consumer group has its different consumption level. At present, the consumer of high-end expensive and of high quality is 0.6% for the Beijing’s market. And middle class is 70-75% (EFU, 2012). Psychological factors In Beijing’s market, we divide the psychological factors into five parts. Price| For this group, the first consideration is price. The income drives the purchasing power.| Quality| The consumers pay attention to the quality of the clothing, hats, shoes or bags.| Service| This group pays attention to the pre-sale services and after-sale services. They need high service system.| Fashion| The consumers love to follow the fashion trend and the renewal and replacement is fast.| Luxurious| They pursue the highest price, and they need satisfaction from shopping. Behavior factors For the confirmedly brand buyer, they only buy one brand, never considering to buy other brand, the purchasing pattern is A.A.A.A.A.A. For the middle brand buyer, they will buy the production from several brands, the purchasing pattern is A.A.B.B.A.A. For the shift brand buyer, they change their mind from one brand to another, it means they have no loyalty for one brand, the purchasing pattern is A.A.A.B.B.B. For the no loyal brand buyer, they do not have the favorite brand and do not care the brand, the purchasing pattern is A.C.E.B.D.B. 3.2 Targeting After analysis the Segmentation, The target group of Primark is the young people who have higher education in Beijing, because the characteristic of this group is the convergence of purchasing. They may be come from different city, have different personality, but they are in the golden age, they listen to the same music, watch the same movie. Especially the developed internet, they can get the information and then synchronization with the world. So it makes Primark to choose the undifferentiated marketing. Primark enters Beijing’s market, it can use the same production, the same price and the same selling way, but it should make a new business strategy to Beijing’s consumer. 3.3 Positioning When Primark enters Beijing, the first consideration of position is competitors. The tentative competitors in Beijing are HM, ZARA, GAP and UNIQLO. Product- positioning map 1 In fact, the productions of Primark have a competitive advantage on the price, but it will lose in the popularity of brand. Therefore we should pay attention to build the brand name. Then the Primark can attract more potential consumers (middle shift brand buyer). High popularity with low price Product- positioning map 2 For the entering of Beijing, one thing is difficult to change, that is equipment. The quality level is similar, and then Primark must put itself into a high service. As known, the shop of fast fashion is self-service just like supermarket. So Primark should improve service and then establish a good presence in Beijing’s market. Primark’s clothing is full of British style, the selling point is designed in British, and then the brand value in Beijing could be higher than the value in UK. And based on the price in the UK, Primark’s strategic positioning is middle class in Beijing. The middle class can help Primark to establish brand image and keep it have a long future. 3 Entry modes analysis When a company entry a new market, there are two major modes: they are equity mode and non-equity mode. The equity mode comprises joint venture and wholly owned subsidiaries, and non-equity mode comprises export and licensing. And the main purpose of each company is to establish itself in the aim market (Zekiri, 2012). According to Charles, no matter which entry mode the company chooses, it has implications for how much resources the company must commit to its foreign operations, the risk that the company must take, and the degree of control that the company can exercise over the operations on the new market (Charles, et al., 2011). The following tables will analysis the four entry way, and the factors that influence the entry mode, then we will know which way should chosen by Primark. Exporting Licensing Joint Ventures Direct Investment Factors that influence the entry mode Based on above analysis, we can see the country risk is low in Beijing’s market, and the polity and economy are stable recently in China, for these factories, exporting and Joint Ventures do not fit for Primark’s entry. Furthermore, Primark in the UK’s market, brand name has been built. It owns a lot of consumers not only in UK, but also in Europe. So the international experience is experienced. Finally, for the reason of big firm resources, experience abroad, low local market risk and a little intensity of the competition, it seems the most adapted for Primark entering in Beijing is direct investment. The direct investment, it may bring pressure to the investment and the company may take more risk. But the cost of the clothing is low, and the labor cost in China is lower than UK. The productions of Primark follow the fashion trends, which need the company uses the short time to produce, transport, and product release in the first time. Building the factory in Be ijing can satisfy the need of market. At the same time, Primark can catch the Beijing’s fashion trend, which makes the production diversification. IMPLEMENTATION 5. 7P marketing mix Booms and Bitner suggested that adding three factories in the marketing theory of 4Ps in the year of 1981 (MATT, 2012), the three factories are People, Process and Physical Evidence. In this section, we will use the marketing theory of 7Ps to analysis the implementation of Primark. 5.1 Product The marketing theory of 4Ps is leaded by the product, and Primark do well in product, there are two aspects to show the Primark’s product structure. A) From Primark’s website (2012) we know, there are three clothing style in Primark, they are menswear, womenswear and childrenswear. The womenswear include four branches, the first is atmosphere, which is high fashion clothing for women, with a focus on key fashion trends, classic casuals, accessories and footwear; the second is DENIM, which contain all the fashion style of pants; the third one is secret possessions, which is a branch to Primark’s underwear for women, from underclothes multipacks, to individual items and nightwear; and the fourth one is backswing, which is a sports branch with the emphasis on technical functionality. According to the Primark’s website (2012), the style for men is enough to male consumer. Primark has the clothing style for all occasions, consumer can buy everything from the formal one to the casual one. All of these make the Primark’s product structure complete, give a lot of choice for different consumer, and let each consumer have a good shopping experience. B) The quantity of each clothing is every huge, as Primark said â€Å"we buy and sell in bulk Primark has over 230 stores in Ireland, the United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Spain, Germany, Portugal and Belgium.† The huge quantity satisfies the demand from the new market. 5.2 Price The strategy Primark used is low cost strategy. The target group is young people with higher education, their age between from 18 to 35. They have the purchasing power for the fashion trend, but they do not have the power to purchase the luxury. So the price can satisfy the demand of this group. When Primark entry Beijing’ market, it will use the same price strategy. As Zollinger said â€Å"prices that already exist in the subjective memory of consumers (Zollinger, 2011).† When a consumer choose a goods, if the performance, appearance and value are similar, one factor should considered by the consumer is the price. For long term thinking, the price is interrelated with sales. The low price could be got a higher level of the sales in the new market; and if the sales have risen, it can drive the financial income increase; the competition will face the austere market; the low price discourages the potential competition; and finally market does not allow a high price in the same level (Danciu, 2001). 5.3 Promotion and Place When a company entries a new market, an important point is promotion. There are 5 aspects of promotion. They are advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations and direct marketing. But in fact, according to Primark’s website (2012), it said that Primark has no advertising costs, instead relying on their customers â€Å"advertising on mouth (word of mouth)† about their products. But the competitors like HM, GAP and UNIQLO pay much attention to the advertising and designing. There are three main ways of Primark’s communications. The first is mentioned in the website â€Å"word of mouth†. The second is the product structure of Primark, which is the fashion design, diverse style with low price to attract the consumer. The third is the geographical position. Primark always set the shop in the city center or the bustling shopping mall. Although the rental cost is much higher than other competitors, Primark always give consumer a good shopping experience. However the shopping experience is different from Europe to China. Advertisements surround Chinese everywhere they go. Based on my personal experience, a good advertisement will attract me to try new product. According to Carl Hose, the purpose of advertisement is to sell the product. It is a communication of one-way form from company to consumer, and it will give consumers the important information to make a buying decision and attracting new consumers. It tells consumers about the products and how to get it. The purpose of advertising is to sell products and to build brand name (Carl Hose, Demand Media, 2011). Consequently, when Primark entry Beijing’s market, it need advertising to build the brand name at first time, and then it can use the promotion used in Europe. At the same time, Primark should keep the low price strategy and set the shop in the city center. 5.4 People When Primark entry to Beijing’s market, if it wants to move forward, the management should knows what has to be achieved, departments should know their role and stuff should know their goals. And they all should know what the consumers need. For Primark, it should hire the people who study abroad. Because they are familiar the behavior and thinking mode of Chinese cultural tradition, they can easily communicate and cooperate with the stuff, and make the management more effective. At the same time, the hired people got the western educations, they understand the western way of dealing problems and behaviors, and they can understand and implement foreign bosss management concept. So, these people have important function to deal the culture conflict, promotion to cooperate effectively (Sun, 2010). 5.5 Process and Physical Evidence The service is an essential point for the Primark entry the new market. It can build the brand name, at the same time, it can keep the consumers. Like James A Karl said that service good in an operation will greatly help in attracting new customers and the amazing consumer service can keep the consumer coming back. This is indeed a fact because people like to do business with the people who they trust and had a good experience (Karl, 2007). Conclusion and Critical Reflection 6. Conclusion and critical reflection After the Pestle and Porter five forces analysis in the first section, Primark seems to ready to entry Beijing’s market. But no one can predict the future and the condition of Beijing’s market is changing every time. For entry, the strong new market can help Primark to develop itself, at the same time, the new market may be weaken the brand name of Primark. Though the situation is good for Primark’s entry, it is an armchair strategist. There are so many problems we cannot consider, such as financial crisis, the changing of price and the changing of exchange rate. Primark’s strategy positioning is middle class in Beijing, and the target group is the people who have higher education, using the direct investment with low cost strategy. But the strategy cannot force the competitors, the success of Primark in Europe is decided by the strategy used in the UK’s market, and Primark has experience to face the competitors, but Chinese condition is different f rom Europe. Another problem is the cognize of price in China, Chinese always think the high price is equal to high quality, and low price is equal to low quality. So the effectiveness of low price strategy is worrying. And there are two problems we should consider, one is money, another is store. Because the direct investment, it will cost a large number of money. And the store should build in bustling street, but the Beijing’s bustling shopping mall seems in a situation of saturated. When Primark set in Beijing’s market, the 7P analysis is a basic for implementation. But the development of Primark should change the idea with the changing of each factor from 7P. When Primark face to the new market, the new policy, the new consumers, all the analysis engage in idle theorizing. Reference Barnes, L. Lea-Greenwood, G., (2006). Fast fashioning the supply chain: shaping. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 3 10, pp. 259-271. Beijing business information consultation center, (2012). The 2011 Beijing clothing market scale, expanding department store is still the main channel clothing sales. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2 12 2012]. Businesscasestudies, (2011). 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Monday, October 14, 2019

Strategies to Control Sand Production

Strategies to Control Sand Production CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION   1.1 Background Figure 1.1 Sand Production Process Throughout the years, there have been incessantly developing and using various kind of sand control applications in the reservoirs to control the sand production. However, it has been a vital role in the oil and gas industry. In fact, it is very challenging to achieve greater results. Moreover, with todays technologies, the cost of operating is higher than before, the impact of sand production is difficult to be ignored. Moreover, that is not all the consequence of sand formation in the well, and it will probably lead to various of the problem such as loss of integrity, causing the wellbore to collapse, and causing erosion of downhole and surface equipment. The fact is, it is a crucial activity during the production of oil and gas. Here is why, in the sand formation fluid, it consists of gas, oil, and water. It can flow through the sand, into the production wells are produced through perforations into the well. Mostly, it will affect concerning economics to safety hazards in the well productivity. On the other hands, it is a major concern in the oil and gas industry. When the sand produced is lifted up to the surface, sand can damage surface equipment such as valves, pipelines, pumps, separators, and more. It is must be removed from the produced fluids at the surface. Besides, sand flowing through the formation, will collapse the casing and be slowing the production rate. There are several problems cause by sand production. These problems include plugging the perforations, wellbore instability, failure of sand control completions, environmental effects, and erosion of downhole and surface equipment, pipeline blockage and leakage. These devastating consequences lead to more frequent well intervention and workovers generating additional needs for sand disposal particularly in offshore and swamp locations. The impacts of sand production are nearly always detrimental to the short and long term productivity of the well. Sand control has always played a major role in oil production. Most of the oil and gas fields having the problem during sand production. Some of the wells produce from unconsolidated sandstones that produce formation sand with reservoir fluids. Some reservoirs can produce several tons of sand in a day, and it is critical that the operators require downhole sand control in all sand prone wells.      Ã‚   Sand occurs when the stresses of the formation exceed the strength of the formation. The formation strength is derived from the natural cementing material that binds the sand grains together. Sand grains are also held together by the cohesive forces caused formation water unable to move. The stress of the formation sand grains is caused by many factors, such as tectonic actions, overburden pressure, pore pressure, stress changes from drilling, and the drag forces of the producing fluids. When fluids are produced from reservoirs, stresses are imposed on the sand grains that tend to move them into the wellbore, along with the fluids produced. These stresses are caused by pressure difference in the formation, fluid frictional forces, and the weight of the overburden. In the sand prone reservoir, it has several methods of sand control which can be installed in production wells. So, it is important to determine the correct sand control techniques in each particular situation. For instance, we need to understand the behavior of different aspects of the sand formation in multiphase flow, in orders to help us to identify the sand formation. Thus, it provides us with the type of sand control completion to choose for production wells. As a matter of facts, it able to improve the behavior of the sand from the well we produced and to keep sand from entering the well along with the hydrocarbons. It depends on the characteristics of the reservoir. There are several techniques have been used for sand control in sandstone reservoirs. Moreover, to minimizing sand production from wells, such as maintenance and workover, gravel packing, sand consolidation, rate restriction, and more. In order, to prevent sand production it depends on different reservoir parameters and economic conditions. Therefore, sand exclusion methods are required. 1.2  Problem Background Sand control is to minimizing the sand and fine production during petroleum production. Sand and fine produced with oil and gas can cause erosion of production facilities and equipment, resulting in production downtime, expensive repairs and potentially loss of containments. The cause of sand production is always damaging to the long-term productivity of the well. Although some of the wells are manageable for sand production. In addition, attempting to manage sand production well is not easy. They are many problems need to be the concern to operate the wells. To improve the mitigating sand production that exists in the oil and gas industry as the reservoir sits in sand-prone formation. The potential to produce sand in the formation increases as the reservoir has been depleted. It is a likely occurrence in production and injects wells because of the effective overburden pressure of the formation increases. Also as the production rate from the reservoir increases the fluid pressure gradient near the wellbore tends to draw sand into the wellbore. Increasing reservoir production rate raises the probability of reaching the reservoir boundaries. Problems that were usually found in the sand formation especially Unconsolidated formations. Water breakthrough the transitional zone of formations. High consumption of reservoir pressure in formations. Unusual forces of the high lateral tectonic force in formations. Unpredicted change in flow rate 1.2.1 Effects Sand Production The effects of sand production are often detrimental to the productivity of a well in the long run. Downhole equipment might be blocked or damaged and surface facilities disabled. Erosion Of Downhole And Surface Equipment When sand was produced in the formation at the high velocity, it will erode the surface and downhole equipment. It will be leading to the frequent maintenance to replace the equipment. If the erosion is severe or occurs over a sufficient length of time, complete failure of surface and downhole equipment may occur, resulting in the critical safety and environmental problems as well as deferred production. High-pressure gas containing sand particles expanding through the surface choke is the most hazardous situation. For some equipment failures, a rig assisted workover may be required to repair the damage. Figure 1.2 Surface Choke Failure Due To Erosion By Formation Sand (Source: Completion Tech., 1995) Figure 1.3 Eroded Piston Head (Source: Han Et Al., 2011) Formation Subsidence The impact of producing sand formation, it can collapse the formation. As time goes by, a tremendous amount of sand will be generated, which will be creating a void at the casing. As more and more sand is produced, it will be made the void larger and larger. Furthermore, the void will collapse into it. Thus it decays the material. Most importantly, sand grains will create a lower permeability in the formation with a wider area of grain sizes. It will lose the productivity of the sand production. Sand Accumulation In Surface Equipment Reservoir fluid will carry the sand up to the surface, with higher velocity production in the fluid. However, sand particles frequently inhabit in the facilities such as separators, heaters, pumps, and condensers. Plus, it will accumulate in these facilities, it is a must to be cleanup from time to time. Meanwhile, it will delay the production, and the well must shut down, and extras cost needed to be clean up the wellbore production. Production volume of the separator will decrease if it filled with sand. Similarly, it cannot handle gas, oil, and water. Sand Disposal It constitutes a problem in formations producing sand especially in areas where there are stringent environmental constraints. Offshore processing systems that do not satisfy anti-pollution regulation the separated sand is to be transported onshore for disposal constituting additional production cost. 1.2.2 Causes Of Sand Production Rock strength and fluid flow are the elements that are affecting the factors that are affecting the tendency of the formation and the wellbore. Thus, sand particles consist of fine grain-size and load bearing solids formation in the production. Production rates are usually maintained at a consistent level so that it can avoid the production of the load bearing particles, but causing the production rates low. Production Rate Higher the fluid of the pressure near the wellbore, thus the rate of production will be increasing, which will move the sand into the wellbore. Consequently, pressure differential and frictional drag forces will surpass the compressive strength in the reservoir. However, for wells that below the pressure differential pressure and frictional drag forces is not strong to exceed the exceed the compressive strength of the formation, therefore it causing sand production rate reduce. In order, to reduce the productions rate, it needs to slow it down at certain levels. So that, the flow rate will be within the acceptance range of the production of the well. Pore Pressure Reduction When the reservoir fluid in production diminishes, it causes the pressure and pore pressure to reduce. As it reduces, the production of the well will slowly deplete. Hence, by decreasing the pressure will generate the stress at the formation sand, it will make the overburden pressure to be increasing. Moreover, formation sand particles may be crushed or break loose from its matrix at some time in reservoir life which could be produced along with the reservoir fluids. The formation might subside if the effective stress exceeds the formation strength due to compaction of reservoir rock from the reduction in pore pressure. Increasing Water Production When the water cut increased, sand production will increase as well. These occurrences can be explained by two mechanisms. Each sand grains were surrounded by the surface tension of the connate water, which are the cohesiveness to certain grains in the water wet sandstone formation. Besides, when the surface tension forces and the cohesiveness of grain-to-grain are reducing. Alternatively, the productions of the connate water will be produced. The stability of the sand arch perforation has been shown to be limited greatly by the production of water resulting in the production of sand. Whereas, an arch is a hemispherical cap of interlocking sand grains that is scheduled at constant drawdown and flow rate preventing sand production (Jon Carlson et al., 1992). A second mechanism by which water production affects sand production is related to the effects of relative permeability. As the water cut increases, the relative permeability to oil decreases. This result in an increasing pressure differential being required to produce oil at the same rate. An increase in pressure differential near the wellbore creates a greater shear force across the formation sand grains. Once again, the higher stresses can lead to instability of the sand arch around each perforation and subsequent sand production (Completion tech., 1995). Figure 1.4 Geometry Of A Stable Arch Surrounding A Perforation (Source: Completion Tech., 1995) 1.3 Objectives The main objectives of this research are: To explain the properties and importance of sand control required in bottom-hole production. To analyze the effectiveness of chemical additives in sand control. To evaluate the effectiveness of clay-sawdust as a possible sand control material in the petroleum industry. 1.4  Problem Statement How to increase the fluid velocity of the sand produced and increase the productivity of the sand production? How to determine the suitability of chemical additive in sand control? How can plastic consolidation be custom engineered and manufactured in accordance to oil sands reservoir properties for optimal sand control? 1.5  Scope Of Study To complete the final year project, the student is required to complete the final year project titled Evaluation of Clay-Sawdust Mixture in Sand Control Application. This project requires the fulfilment of few objectives of study that requires the student to learn the properties and importance of sand control required in bottom-hole production. The scopes of study that will be covered in this paper include several aspects: To explain the properties and importance of sand control required in bottom-hole production. To analyse the effectiveness of chemical additives in sand control. To evaluate the effectiveness of clay-sawdust as a possible sand control material in the petroleum industry. To analyse the type of clay that found in the sand control To evaluate the alternate sand control method for sand production consolidation by injecting the chemical additive that will be ideal for the reservoir well. 1.6  Thesis Outline The thesis is divided into five chapters. Chapter one gives an introduction and problem facing during production. It also states the objectives and defines the scope. Chapter two talks about literature review on the subject matter sand control selection, chemical sand consolidation, in situ formation consolidation, resin coated sand consolidation, permeability and porosity of reservoir. The methodology is discussed in chapter three. Chapter four focuses on results discussion. Chapter five gives conclusions and recommendations of the thesis. CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1  SAND CONTROL SELECTION Figure 2.1 Sand Control Type Many unconsolidated heavy oil and bitumen reservoirs require a sand control screen system to prevent sand particle influx into the wellbore to minimize surface casing erosion and environmental and remedial costs. It needs to justify the problems which related to the downhole sand control system and prediction the desired amount of the production rate in the reservoir of sand would produce. Sand production can be a significant issue when producing from unconsolidated reservoirs. Hydrocarbon production from unconsolidated sandstone reservoirs can plague with potentially erosive but mostly of the sand production. However, it will affect the movement of the formation sand causing it to re-orientation of the stresses and fluid velocity The selection of the sand control method to be used in a reservoir depends on conditions of the reservoir field and economic considerations. Additionally, to determining which sand control techniques are suitable for the field. There are many different sand control methods each with pros and cons. Such as, Rate control or exclusion Non-impairing completion techniques Selective perforation practices Screens (without gravel packs) Slotted liners Wire-wrapped screens Premium screens Expandable screens Pre-packed screens Gravel packs Frac packs Chemical sand consolidation In situ formation consolidation Resin coated sand or gravel consolidation 2.2  CHEMICAL SAND CONSOLIDATION In chemical sand consolidation, there is two type of method. utilised It is being used where the possibility and size of the sand production are considered low and is one of the preventive technique to pumped before sand production initiated. The latter is considered as more of a remedial technique in the increasing sand production. Chemical consolidation is mostly being used in a short, perforated intervals. 2.2.1  IN SITU FORMATION CONSOLIDATION Figure 2.2 In Situ Formation Consolidation In situ formation consolidation, it utilises by injecting resins liquid into the formation through the perforations and a catalyst is required for hardening. It will harden and forms a consolidated mass of the sand grains which sand grains will bind together at the contact points and increase its unconfined compressive strength. Certain catalysts are mix into the resin at the surface. Hence, it needed time and temperature to harden the resin. In this treatment need to be considered to performed through all the perforations, thus after the treatment, the well will be permeable and consolidation might not deteriorate with time. However, it can increase the compressive strength of the formation, so it will be sufficient to withstand the forces while during the production of the flow rates. Similarly, a suitable cementing job is a must for this method because to prevent the resin from channeling the casing. On the contrary, the perforation should not be treated at shaley zones because of the low permeability, and it is hard for the fluids to flow in place. In situ formation consolidation leaves the wellbore fully open. It is important where large outside diameter downhole completion equipment is needed. While in situ formation can be done through tubing or in wells with small diameter casing. 2.2.2  RESIN COATED SAND CONSOLIDATION There is two different way of injecting resin coated sand consolidation down the well and into the perforation. So that, it will maintain the sand surface. Thus sand pack will be bind together as the resin coating become harden. Some of the sand left in the casing after the operation. Whereas, this method needs to be perforated in order, to clean out the sand and controlled the flow rate. Besides, resin coated include pumping sand into the well to filled the perforation and casing. Although, bottom hole temperature of the well will be causing the resin to complete the cure into a consolidated pack. After that, sand consolidation packs able to drilled out the casing and leaving the resin coated sand in the perforations. Some of the remaining in the consolidation will act as a permeable filter to prevent the production of the sand formation, the uses of the resin coated are to prepacked sand screens. Despite, using resin coated can be complex. First, and most important, it requires that all perforations be filled completely with the resin coated sand, and the sand will cure. The perforations increasingly, as zone length and deviation from the vertical increase. Secondly, the resin coated with sufficient compressive strength. Nevertheless, it has poor longevity, as most wells do not produce sand free for extended periods of time. 2.3  PERMEABILITY OF RESERVOIR Figure 2.3 Permeability Absolute permeability is the resistance to fluid flow in a porous media when it is the only fluid phase present. The permeability is a measure of the ability of the reservoir rock to transmit fluid. It is the conductivity of the reservoir rock (Gates 2012). If it takes a lot of pressure to squeeze fluid through rock, that rock has low permeability. If fluid passes through the rock easily, it has high permeability. Permeability is measured in the unit of milli darcy (one milli darcy is 1/1000 of a Darcy). The rate of oil and gas can decrease if there are decreases in permeability of reservoir sands. Interstitial water and clay content are what contains in reservoir sand. (Jiang, et al., November 10, 2010) After drilling progress in initiated the production of oil, water will infiltrate into the sand from drilling mud. The water will have less salinity compared to the pure original water. Swelling of clay particles is caused by the fresh water. Influence of driving pressure porous medium is a measure of the ease with which fluids may pass through the medium. The equation by which permeability to liquids may be calculated by laboratory measurements is: (Equation. 2.1) This equation gives permeability, k, in Darcys if viscosity, u, is expressed in centipoises; the rate of flow, Q, in cubic centimetres per second; length, L, in centimetres; area, A, in square centimetres; and pressure differential, P1P2, in atmospheres. This equation, known as Darcys law, is also used to calculate gaseous permeability if the volumetric rate of flow is measured at mean pressure. There will be no reactions between the flowing fluids because it is one of the limiting conditions for the constancy of permeability. Swelling when wetted with waters is due to the clay contain. 2.4  SAWDUST Figure 2.4 Sawdust Sawdust is a tiny-sized and powdery wood waste produced by cutting, grinding, drilling, sanding and slicing wood with a saw or other tools. The size of sawdust particles depends on the types of wood, which the sawdust is collected and the size of the saw teeth. Besides, sawdust is an effective, low-cost absorbent, which is widely used in many industrials. In addition, sawdust being essentially a lignocellulosic material is not easily deteriorated but rather stable on recalcitrant in the environment, and rarely produces odour during its long-term biodegradation process (Terazawa et al., 1999; Zavala et al., 2005). Furthermore, benefits of using sawdust as a composite material are because it has desirable physical properties. Such as low apparent specific gravity(density), high porosity, high water retention, moderate water drainage, high bacteria tolerance, and biodegradability at an acceptable rate. For instance, sawdust composting process can be enhanced. 2.5  CLAY Figure 2.5 Kaolinite Clay Figure 2.6 Montmorillonite Clay Figure 2.7 Illite Clay Clay is a fine textured earth, it is plastic when wet but hard and compact when dry. It being referred to as finest grain particles in a sediment, soil, or rock. Clay is a very fine-grained, unconsolidated rock matter, which is plastic when wet, but becomes hard and stony when heated. It has its origin in natural processes, mostly complex weathering, transported and deposited by sedimentation within geological periods. Clay is composed of silica (SiO2), Alumina (Al2O3) and water (H2O) plus appreciable concentration of oxides of iron, alkali and alkaline earth, and contains groups of crystalline substances known as clay minerals such as quartz, feldspar and mica. The majority of the oil and gas reservoir contains clay. Thus, these clay minerals such as montmorillonite, illite, and kaolinite mostly found in the rocks of oil and gas exploration. In the early age of oil exploration, clay minerals were studied to predict the quality of organic rick source rock and generation mechanism when scientists tried to investigate the origin of oil and gas (Grim, 1947, Brooks, 1952). At the same time, clay minerals were extensively analyses for diagenesis and reservoir quality prediction due to the application of petrological analysis and quantitative mineralogical analysis by X-ray diffraction (Griffin, 1971; Pettijohn, 1975; Heald and Larese, 1974; Bloch et al., 2002). On the other hand, it is important in oil sands. The particles will form adjacent to sand grains, and it will be occupied by the interstitial water found together with oil sands. However, the cohesion of clay is larger than granular soils. Clay is less permeable than a sandy soil, and low water drainage. Hence, the pore pressure induced by an increase in load is dissipated very slowly, and the transfer of stress and the corresponding increase in inter-granular pressure are likewise much slower. The dispersed of clay is free to travel within the reservoir thereby becoming mobile clays which can cause plugging of pore spaces due to migration. Therefore, deflocculation can occur due to low salinity-high pH, and natural repulsion forces due to not enough cations available. Once deflocculated, clay tends to migrate when the wetting phase becomes mobile. In addition to this, Clay swelling can be due to a salinity shock, where high salinity fresh water is introduced in a reservoir rock causing a shock to the system. Besides, montmorillonite clays can become mobile and then migrate causing issues with plugging of the pore space of a reservoir rock due to it being anionic charged can form thin microfilms on the surface of the sand control. 2.6  POROSITY OF RESERVOIR Figure 2.8 Porosity The porosity of rock is a measure of the capacity of reservoir rocks to contain fluids. Oil, gas and water are within the reservoir rocks that fluids were stored in the pore space. Higher capacities of reservoir rock it contains fluids, it has high porosity. Whereas, low porosity has low capacities reservoir rocks fluids contain. Therefore, porosity data are often employing qualitatively and quantitatively to determine and evaluate the potential volume of hydrocarbons contained in a reservoir. For instance, in a discovery well that shows the presence of hydrocarbons in the reservoir rocks, the set of data that is reviewed at least qualitatively to evaluate reservoir potential is porosity data acquired with either logging-while-drilling tools or by running wireline tools. These data are collected directly from the measurements of the core sample and well logs. It was to predict the reservoir characterization for the classification of lithological facies, and the assignment of permeabilities using porosity-permeability transforms. The porosity of rock is a measure of its capacity to contain fluids. Porosity is calculated as the pore volume of the rock divided by its bulk volume. à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¦ = à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¦ = porosity; Vp = pore volume; and VB = bulk volume. Pore volume is the total volume of pore spaces in the rock, and bulk volume is the physical volume of the rock, which includes the pore spaces and matrix materials (sand and shale, etc.) that compose the rock. 2.7FLOW RATE Figure 2.9 Fluid Flow Through Wellbore There is a critical fluid-flow rate beyond which the hydrodynamic force exceeds the binding forces holding fines particles together, and fines ( For instance, the lower the flow rate, the better the retention (Ballard and Beare 2006). Production can be affected by non-optimized inflow distribution. Drawdown and plugging can be affected by asphaltene and wax precipitation due to temperature reduction, the high viscosity of produced oil, resins present, near-wellbore pressure drop and flow convergence resistance created by the slotted liner (Trent 2005). Additionally, multiphase flow increases plugging potential and sand control issues. By depending on formation characteristics and multiphase flow, the interstitial flow velocity can either enhance or reduce near wellbore permeability (Bennion et. al. 2008). When only one phase flows in a reservoir, then there can be an allowable increase in the flow velocity to the slot more than if there is multiphase flow. Plugging and significant solids production occurs with the two-phase flow where water and oil flow since fines migration and transport only happens when the wetting phase is in motion in the porous media (Bennion et al. 2008). There is a critical fluid-flow rate beyond which the hydrodynamic force exceeds the binding forces holding fines particles together beyond which the fine started to move. A sudden increase in flow rate also could induce fines migration. 2.8SURFACTANT Surfactant mostly uses in Enhanced Oil Recovery, and it is to improve the wettability of porous rocks allowing water to flow through them faster displacing more oil. Surfactant Flooding can improve oil production by decreasing interfacial tension, improving oil mobility thus allowing better displacement of the oil by injected water. (Chon, 2014) The surfactant can be used to lower the amount of chemical usage in the recovery process, and it can decrease the chemical concentration to below 0.5 percentage. Surfactant provides safer enhanced oil recovery products at lower price. The most effective surfactant derived from plants are sunflower oil, soy and corn oil. These oils are no hazardous and non-toxic. (Hirasaki, et al., 2011) CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY 3.1  INTRODUCTION The accompanying section clarifies about the technique utilized as a part of this exploration to assemble the important information. The information was to assess how clay-sawdust as a possible sand control material and could enhance by the surfactant for sand control applications. 3.2  CLAY There is three type of clay which ha